ACS Philly 2020
Chemical Angel Network chemists investing in chemical companies
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Scientific Visualizations & Creative Presentations – Morning Session
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Planning for Retirement
Planning for Retirement
Cosponsored by SCC and SCHB
- Meyer, S. S. White, Organizers
- D. Archer, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:05 57. Retiring gracefully: Managing life after work. D. Oslin
1:30 58. Retirement: Financial issues. E. Meyer
1:55 59. Deciding to move to a retirement community. A.M. Wilson
2:15 60. Retirement Activities to Keep You Breathless – and Happy! M. Orna
2:35 61. Skydiving Into retirement:Enjoy the ride and land softly. W.F. Carroll
2:55 62. Fascinating facts about retired chemists I learned from editing the Senior Chemists Newsletter. L.G. Hartshorn
3:15 63. Tips for success in retirement: Some personal examples. T.R. Beattie
3:35 64. Diversity: Key to a happy retirement. R.D. Archer
3:55 65. Your experience is too important to be wasted. A.E. Pavlath
4:15 66. Activities of a Retired Chemist. R.A. Yokley
4:35 67. The Chemical Angel Network-an opportunity to help early stage chemical businesses grow and create jobs for chemists. S.S. White, M. Vreeke, J.C. Giordan
4:55 Concluding Remarks.
Official Program Link:
Scientific Visualizations & Creative Presentations – Afternoon Session
Official Program Link:
Inclusion in the Chemistry Profession, Is it a Reality?
Inclusion in the Chemistry Profession, Is it a Reality?
Cosponsored by CWD
- A. Supalo, Organizer, Presiding
9:00 Introductory Remarks.
9:05 50. What is Inclusion in the Chemistry Profession for Chemists with Visual Impairments? C.A. Supalo
9:25 51. Science Outreach via University Administrative Fellowship at the Princeton Center for Complex Materials. M. Hossain, J. Van Wyck, J. Bhattacharya, D. Steinberg
9:45 52. The Princeton University Materials Academy (PUMA): inclusive informal education via a socio-scientific approach.. J. Bhattacharya, D. Steinberg
10:05 Intermission.
10:20 53. Inclusion and accessibility efforts at the Princeton University MRSEC. D. Steinberg
10:40 54. Inclusion Techniques Used to Teach Technology to Rurally Isolated Upward Bound Programs High School Students. C. Monroe
11:00 55. “… All that is seen and unseen….” Visual impairments in the modern inorganic research environment. S.M. Kilyanek
11:20 56. Culturally-Responsive Teaching: Scientific Argumentation Strategies among Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students. A.D. Ross, T.E. Pagano
11:40 Concluding remarks.