Women Chemists
Everyone is welcome to join this subdivision. Our common ground is our commitment to and support of the subdivision goals.
Contact women@acsprof.org for more information.
- Promote diversity, inclusion, advocacy, recognition, mentoring and networking among women in the chemical sciences
- Provide programming at national and regional meetings related to professional issues amongst women in the chemical sciences
- Collaborate with other organizations, including the ACS Women Chemists Committee, on professional issues and career issues that affect women in the chemical sciences
Why you should join
- You support the goals of this subdivision
- You have ideas about how to achieve this subdivision’s goals and want to share them with us
- You have leadership skills and experience and want to help us
How to get involved
- Join the subdivision
- Attend division and subdivision symposia and Town Hall Forum at the ACS National Meetings
- Be willing to share and be a part of something
- Contact the subdivision chair with comments or questions