Thanks for your interest in partnering with PROF!
This form is used to submit a grant application through the Division of Professional Relations. Funding can be used for a variety of events including local, regional, or national meetings, programming, networking events, or so much more! In order to submit funding requests, we ask that you meet the following requirements:
- Request is for an event at least 6 months in advance
- Event aligns with one of the strategic goals of the division (see the graphic below):
- Goal 1: Engaging – Increase and enhance member involvement
- Goal 2: Developing – Provide and promote resources for professional and personal success across career stages and goals
- Goal 3: Advocating – Represent the values and needs of members on professional matters inside and outside the ACS
- Funding request is made by one of the following:
- An ACS division, committee, or local section
- A current PROF member or affiliate
- An organization with the support of a PROF member or affiliate
Proposals will be reviewed on an ongoing basis with most of them being reviewed at the executive committee meetings.