On behalf of the PROF Awards Committee we are pleased to share the following Award winners for 2023:

Carol Duane – Henry Hill Award Winner
Carol Duane is awarded the 2023 Henry Hill Award for promoting, engaging, and preparing individuals to thrive in their chosen profession. She is recognized for being a key player within the American Chemical Society in developing programs and workshops that promote professionalism. She is honored for her role in creating the ACS Center for Leadership Development and the ACS Strategic Planning Retreats.

Susan Schelble – Lou Sacco Award Winner
Susan Schelble is the 2023 recipient of the Lou Sacco award. PROF recognizes Sue’s contributions as an executive board member serving the division at large and a prolific contributor to ethics-related technical and educational symposia extend well beyond her duties as a professor of chemistry at the Metropolitan State University of Denver. Her nomination letter accurately described her as always saying “yes” when asked to serve, for which PROF bestows the Lou Sacco Award for always doing so and in a meritorious and exemplary manner.
Ready to nominate a deserving chemist for one of our Awards? Contact awards@acsprof.org or visit the Awards Page for more details.
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Annabelle Lolinco