Event Announcement!
A Day in the Life of an
ACS Volunteer
Live Online (via ZOOM)
Tuesday, February 23 at 6:00 PM Eastern Time
Each month, the Eastern US YCC Partnership will host a Q&A session with an expert in a different field of chemistry – including areas of industry, government, and education. This month, hear from Dr. James Murray and Dr. Julian Bobb, two outstanding leaders who have driven success in their local ACS sections and the Eastern US YCC Partnership.
Learn about their leadership experiences and ways you can promote chemistry in the community! They will share her insights for the first 30 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of Q&A with the audience. Hope to see you there!
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkduCpqz8pGNR0sVGIJk5YaCgDcMGgSn5r
E-mail the Eastern New York YCC at ycc.enys.acs@gmail.com with any questions! And be sure to email us with suggestions/ideas for presenters.