Challenges & Opportunities for Inclusive Chemistry Curriculum Design
- A. Kennedy, Organizer
- Elkins, Organizer, Presiding
- Kennedy, Presiding
9:25 Introductory Remarks.
9:30 21. Using a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience(CURE) to introduce to Massively Parallel Sequencing (MPS) in forensic science at Towson University. C. Zeller, K. Elkins
9:50 22. Including Course based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) in advanced forensic science curriculum as an active learning and diverse strategy for student learning. S. Coticone, L. Bailey Van Houten
10:10 23. Identifying Small Proteins in an Authentic Research-based Undergraduate Laboratory Class. M. Hemm, R. Miranda, V. Anderson
10:30 Intermission.
10:45 24. An Advanced Organic Laboratory Course as a Barrier-less Introduction to Research. L.C. Brown
11:05 25. Introduction of research into a large enrollment organic chemistry lab course. N.A. Eskew, C.L. Cruz, N. Holmberg-Douglas, N.P. Onuska, J.B. McManus, I. Mackenzie, B. Hutson, D.A. Nicewicz
11:25 26. Inclusive pedagogy toolkit for chemistry curriculum delivery. S.A. Kennedy, M. Winfrey
11:45 Discussion.
Event Timeslots (1)
Monday March 23, 2020
Challenges & Opportunities for Inclusive Chemistry Curriculum Design