International Chemists
Our mission is creating inclusive communities, resources, and programming for the benefit of chemical professionals across the globe, throughout their careers.
Contact international@acsprof.org for more information.
- Provide a home for international members from all chemical disciplines to interact and discuss issues pertaining to professional development in their home countries and across the globe
- Assess, expand awareness and address the needs of international members with respect to professional development in their home countries and across the globe
- Advocate for international members through representation on ACS Council
- Deliver programming at International, National and Regional meetings relevant to global issues
- Assist international members in finding and accessing the many existing development resources within ACS
- Collaborate with International Activities Committee, International Chapters, PROF Subdivisions, Technical Divisions, Committees or other ACS units as appropriate, to advance the Subdivision’s mission
Why you should join
- You are interested in interacting and collaborating with ACS members on professional issues across the globe and across scientific disciplines
- You support the goals of this subdivision
- You have skills or expertise that are valuable to the international community
- You want to learn what the ACS has to offer its international members
How to join
ACS Member Services
P.O. Box 182426
Columbus, OH 43218-2426
US Only – 1-800-333-9511
Outside the US – +614-447-3776
PROF International
How to get involved
- Be an ACS member in good standing
- Join the Division of Professional Relations
- Follow the instructions for adding a subdivision to your membership
Stay Informed
Find announcements at the ACS Member Network Group called “Internation Chemists”