ACS Pride
People of all orientations and genders are welcome to join this subdivision.
Our common ground is our commitment to and support of the subdivision goals.
Contact acspride@acsprof.org for more information.
- Promote inclusion, advocacy, recognition, mentorship, networking, and diversity of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning chemical scientists
- Educate the Society, its members, and employers of chemists about why overt inclusion and acknowledgment of LGBTQ+ people is important – in EEO practices, in hiring/benefit practices, in the workplace social environment, in diversity training, and in diversity outreach
- Collaborate with other organizations concerned about workplace and career issues unique to LGBTQ+ people
- Maintain a long-term collaborative relationship with Out to Innovate®, an ACS Diversity Programs Partner, and other queer communities
Why you should join
- You want to be counted among the people who support the goals of this subdivision
- You have ideas about how to achieve the subdivision goals and want to share them with us
- You have leadership skills and experience and want to help us
- You have insights/experience or are curious about promoting LGBTQ+-inclusive diversity training and outreach
- You want to learn about LGBTQ+ workplace and career issues
How to get involved
- Join the subdivision
- Answer all member needs surveys that come your way
- Contribute ideas and content to national meeting programming by way of posters and presentations that relate to LGBTQ+ workplace and career interests
- Volunteer to take a turn at the helm and with subdivision leadership – Click here for Volunteer Form
- Contact the subdivision leaders with comments, questions, and constructive criticism
ACS PRIDE Leadership
Fanny Frausto
Sam Brunclik