Meet your Candidates running for office in the Division of Professional Relations for 2025!
The Division of Professional Relations hosts annual elections for a number of positions on our Executive Board.
In the coming weeks, you will receive an email from the Division via Survey Monkey asking you to cast your ballot by October 26. All ballots are anonymous, so please make sure to cast your vote!
Please note – you will receive multiple ballots if you belong to more than one subdivision! Check your spam folder for your ballots. If you cannot find them, please get in touch with the PROF Secretary at secretary@acsprof.org immediately.
Chair Elect (Succession: 2025 – 2027)
Michelle Cummings

ACS Bio – MC
CUMMINGS, MICHELLE R. Midland Section. Senior R&D Leader- Dow, Midland, Michigan.
Academic Record: Central Michigan University, B.S., 2006.
Honors: ACS Fellow, 2022; Outstanding service to the ACS- Midland Section, 2021; R&D 100, 2018; Applied Technology Fellow- ACS I&EC Division, 2017.
Professional Positions (for past ten years): Senior R&D Leader- Dow, 2020-present; Research Scientist- Dow, 2016-2020; Research Technologist/ Scientist- Dow Corning, 2001- 2016; Manufacturing Operations leader, 1998-2001.
Service in ACS National Offices: Committee on Chemists with Disabilities, Chair, 2020-2023; ConC Committee Review Working Group, 2022; Committee on Chemists with Disabilities, Member, 2019, Associate, 2017-2018.
Service in ACS Offices: Member of ACS since 2006. DEIR Advisory Board, 2020; ACS Midland Section BOD- several positions, including Chair 2008-2019.
Member: ACS Divisions: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry; Chemical Health & Safety; Physical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Polymeric Materials Science & Engineering; Professional Relations.
Related Activities: ACS WCC Overcoming Challenges- Award Reviewer, 2022; Dow Corning Employees Scholarship Fund- Reviewer, 2015-Present; ACS Scholars- Reviewer, 2014-2018; Dow Corning Foundation- Reviewer, 2013-2015
Secretary (2025-2026)
Emma Kelley

Candidate Statement – EK
In my short ACS career, I have been an enthusiastic and engaged volunteer. I am currently the Women Chemists Committee Intern, and one of my main responsibilities is posting pertinent information on our social media channels. During my time as a WCC intern, I have increased engagement in our social media almost three-fold by being prompt and consistent with our posting, thus widening our social media presence and women’s voices.
I believe my dedication and consistency make me an excellent candidate for Secretary. If elected, I will be involved in the further growth of PROF by helping plan and execute initiatives that support professional development, diversity, and inclusion in the chemical enterprise. Additionally, serving as Secretary will provide valuable experience in communication and organizational leadership.
ACS Bio – EK
KELLEY, EMMA H. Chicago Section. Doctoral Candidate, Loyola University Chicago. Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Academic Record: Loyola University Chicago, current; Saint Mary’s College, B.S. (ACS Certified), 2016.
Honors: Outstanding Graduate, Professional, or Adult Student Leader Award at Loyola University Chicago, 2024; Arthur J. Schmitt Fellow, 2024-2025.
Service in ACS National Offices: Women Chemists Committee (WCC), Intern, 2023 – Present.
Service in ACS Offices: Member ACS since 2019. Liaison (WCC), Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars Advisory Board, 2023 – Present; Member, Younger Medicinal Chemistry Chemists Committee, Division of Medicinal Chemistry, 2024 – Present.
Member: Member of Iowa Sigma Pi since 2023. ACS Division(s): Professional Relations; Medicinal Chemistry.
Related Activities: Symposia Organizer, ACS Fall 2024.
Member at Large (2025-2026) – 2 positions available
Kelly Elkins

ACS Bio – KE
ELKINS, KELLY M. Maryland Section. Professor, Towson University, Towson, Maryland.
Academic Record: Keene State College, B.A. in Chemistry, B.S. in Biology, French minor, Secondary Education coursework (Magna cum laude) 1997; Study abroad, French, Université de Rennes, St. Malo, France, 1996; Clark University, M.A. in Chemistry, 2001; Fulbright Scholar, German Course for Advanced Students, Regensburg, Universität Heidelberg and European Media Lab, Heidelberg, Germany, 2001-2002; Clark University, Ph.D. in Chemistry, 2003; Cancer Research Institute Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT, 2003-2004.
Honors: University & Professional Service Award, Fisher College of Science and Mathematics, Towson University, 2021; Inaugural Awardee of the Forensic Sciences Foundation International Association of Forensic Sciences Travel Scholarship, South Korea, 2014; Graduate Student Participant to Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates, Lindau, Germany, 2002; Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Clark University, 2001; Glorine Tuohey National Scholarship Winner, Steven Bufton Memorial Educational Fund, American Business Women’s Association, 2000; Anthony D. Theoharides Graduate Award in Chemistry, Chemistry Department, Clark University, 2000; American Institute of Chemists Chemistry Award, Keene State College, 1997; Chemistry Faculty Award, Keene State College, 1997; Aubrey Thomas Jr. Award for Excellence in Biology, Keene State College, 1996.
Professional Positions: Professor, Towson University, 2022-present, Associate Professor, 2018-2021, Assistant Professor, 2012-2018; Director of Forensic Science, 2010-2012, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Metropolitan State College (now University) of Denver, 2007-2012; Temporary Assistant Professor, Armstrong Atlantic State University (now Georgia Southern University), 2005-2007; Adjunct Professor, Keene State College, Keene, NH 2005-2007 (summers); Adjunct Professor, Cloud County Community College and Highland Community College, 2005.
Service in ACS National Offices: Exams Institute Diagnostic of Undergraduate Chemical Knowledge Exam Committee, 2015-2018; Committee on Ethics, Associate Member, 2016, Member, 2017-2021, Consultant, 2022; Committee on Professional Training, Program Reviewer (invited), 2021; PROF Chair, Ethics Subdivision, 2020; Division of Professional Relations, Secretary, 2018-2022; Committee on Nominations and Elections (elected), 2023.
Service in ACS Offices: Member ACS since 2000. Maryland Section: Councilor, 2020-2022, Vice Chair, 2022, Alternate Councilor, 2014-2019; Rocky Mountain Section: Alternate Councilor, 2010-2012.
Member: Fellow, 2018-present, Member 2013-2017, Associate Member, 2011-2012, Trainee Affiliate, 2008-2010, American Academy of Forensic Sciences; Council of Forensic Science Educations, President, 2012, Member, 2008-present; Association for Women in Science, 2012-2014; Council on Undergraduate Research, 2012-2013, 2020-present; International Humic Substances Society, 2002; Kappa Delta Pi; Pi Delta Phi; Beta Beta Beta. ACS Divisions: Professional Relations.
Related Activities: Military Spouse, 2004-2011; Official, Mountain Hi Swim League, 2009-2012; ACS Project SEED Mentor, 2008-2009; Host Family, Youth For Understanding, 2011-2012; Official, Prince Mont Swim League, 2013-2022; Editor, ACS Symposium Series Book, 2021; Executive Committee, HHMI Inclusive Excellence Grant awarded to Towson University, 2021-2023; Tri-Editor-In-Chief, Journal of Forensic Science Education, 2018-present.
Keith Vitense

Candidate Statement – KV
I joined PROF at the Spring ACS Meeting at the urging of E. Ann Nalley. I remember the meeting well, as it was the meeting in which “Cold Fusion” was first presented to a scientific organization, and also about 3 weeks before my son was born without an easy way to be contacted “in case.” I have previously served PROF as a member of the Teller Committee (to count the paper ballots that were sent in…), a Member-at-Large, and as the first Ethics Subdivision Chair. I also served as Chair-Elect, Chair, and Past Chair for the Division. After my term as Chair Elect had been completed, I still remained active with the Division by attending the majority of the Business Meetings at the then-National meetings. I am pleased to have been offered an opportunity to formalize my interactions with the Executive Committee by my nomination to this position. I believe one of the strengths of the Division is the focus on moving forward, and I would like to help with that process.
ACS Bio – KV
VITENSE, KEITH R. Witchita Falls-Duncan Section. Cache, Oklahoma.
Academic Record: Black Hills State College, B.S., 1982; Oklahoma State University, Ph.D., 1988.
Honors: ACS Fellow, 2024; Phi Lambda Upsilon; E. Ann Nalley Award; Henry Hill Award.
Professional Positions: Cameron University, Professor, 1988-2020; Halliburton, Faculty Intern, 2001.
Service in ACS National Offices: Committee on Constitution and Bylaws, Member, 2018- 2024, Chair 2022-2024; Committee on Economic and Professional Affairs, Member, 2005-2011, Associate, 2004; Committee Ethics, Member 2011-2017, Associate, 2006-2010; Council Policy Committee, Ex-Officio Member, 2022-2023.
Service in ACS Offices: Member ACS since 1982. Witchita Falls- Duncan Section: Councilor, 1998-2026; Alternate Councilor, 1992-1997; Chair-Elect, 1990-1991. Division of Professional Relations: Member-at-Large, 2019; Chair Succession, 2012-2014; Ethics Subdivision Chair, 2010-2011.
Member: ACS Division(s): Chemical Education; Professional Relations.
Related Activities: Southwest Regional Meeting Finance Committee, 2023. Oklahoma Pentasectional Meeting: Program Chair, 1991, 1997, 2017; General Chair, 1991. Comanche County (OK) Solid Waste Policy Committee, 1995.
Subdivision Chair Elect Positions – 1 position available for EACH subdivision [2025-2026]
Each Subdivision Chair Elect will serve as Chair Elect the year following their election (2025), and then serve as Chair in subsequent year (2026).
Chemists with Disabilities Subdivision
Brian Bartholomew

Candidate Statement
I seek your endorsement for my candidacy as Chair-Elect of the Chemists with Disabilities. If elected, my goal is to promote collaboration with all subdivisions of PROF and the broader ACS organization, using the resources of PROF to improve its support for chemistry professionals at every stage of their careers, regardless of their disabilities. Here is a brief outline of the objectives for my term:
- Collaborating with the current leadership of the ACS conferences to enhance the experience of all ACS members with disabilities. Proactively ensuring ADA compliance is vital for inclusivity and accessibility. The ADA requires community associations with public accommodations to include accessibility features without waiting for a request from a disabled person.
- Strengthen the Chemists Disabilities subdivision by promoting proactive ADA compliance rather than reactive measures. For example, instead of waiting for attendees to request charging stations for their wheelchairs, we must proactively ensure that ACS has a few charging stations available. We must also provide a team of sign language interpreters with an ASL room to rest between services.
- We must pressure regional, national, and international meeting divisions to approach ADA compliance proactively. Emphasizing the importance of proactive ADA compliance is vital to avoid negative consequences, such as a reduced number of attendees with disabilities. Our aim should not simply be to meet the basic ADA requirements but to establish a symposium where everyone can fully participate and enjoy the conference, surpassing ADA requirements.
- It is imperative to develop strategic approaches leveraging technology, such as CART, to facilitate the participation of all ACS members in division activities. It is a proactive measure to consistently ensure the availability of the captioning system for both virtual and in-person panels. This prevents delays and exclusionary practices and contributes to an overall enriched experience for all participants.
BARTHOLOMEW, BRIAN. Colorado Section. Denver, CO.
Academic Record: Colorado State University-Pueblo, M.S. in Chemistry, UNDERTAKING; Metropolitan State University-Denver, B.S. in Chemistry ACS Certification., 2023; Community College of Aurora, A.S. in Science, 2019.
Professional Positions: Kelly Education, Substitute Teacher, 2024; Metropolitan State University – Denver, Undergraduate Student Researcher, 2022-2024, Organic Chemistry Learning Assistant, 2020-2024, Organic Chemistry Laboratory Assistant, 2021-2023, Physics Laboratory Assistant, 2019-2020; North Dakota State University, Summer Intern Researcher, 2023; James Madison University, Summer Intern Researcher, 2022.
Service in ACS Offices: Member ACS since 2021. Tri-Institutional Chemistry Club, ACS Student Affiliate, Founder and President, 2021-2023.
Memberships: Alexander Graham Bell (AGBell). ACS Division(s): Professional Relations.
Ethics Subdivision
Gloria Thomas-Fuller

Candidate Statement
I have been heavily engaged in various governance units in the ACS throughout my professional career. As an active member within the Division of Professional Relations over the last decade, I’ve served as a subdivision chair, awards chair, and division chair. In other roles, I have served as a member of three committees (YCC, COMSCI, and WCC; including as subcommittee chair in YCC and WCC) and was elected as a local section chair (Louisiana #419). In a more unique position, I served as the principal investigator of a National Science Foundation award to the Society (ACS Women Chemists of Color Summit, NSF #1027608). Across all of those capacities, I have observed the critical importance of maintaining standards in integrity and ethics in our professional conduct as a society of chemists.
In my own work, I have facilitated formal ethics training for programs at various universities since 2006 after seeking train-the-trainer opportunities to better implement ethics training in my own programs. The interactive workshops I have led have largely been aimed at undergraduate and graduate students and postdocs using four-step process for exploring ethical dilemmas. I also co-organized a national meeting symposium (Being a Responsible Chemist: Ethics, Politics and Policy, Boston 2007). As a member of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Chemistry Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) Leadership Group (a collection of REU PIs from across the chemistry division) I also led faculty development workshops at our PI meetings (2009 and 2015) to help other faculty incorporate ethics training into their own classes and programs. I’m particularly interested in trends in undergraduate and graduate education, particularly those that erode or foster integrity, and our Society’s responses to scientific misconduct and other ethical breaches in professionalism.
Academic Record: Southern University and A&M College, B.S., Cum Laude, Chemistry, 1996; Louisiana State University, Ph.D., Analytical Chemistry, 2002; The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Post-Graduate Certificate in Academic Leadership, 2014.
Honors: National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) Mentor on the Map, 2014; NSF Opportunities for Underrepresented Scholars Fellowship, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 2013 – 2014; NOBCChE Henry McBay Outstanding Teacher Award, 2010; NOBCChE Outstanding Service Award, 2008; ACS Stanley C. Israel Regional Award for Advancing Diversity in the Chemical Sciences, 2007; National Research Council (NRC) Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2002 – 2003; American Association of University Women Dissertation Fellowship, 2002; Louisiana Board of Reagents Doctoral Fellowship, 1997 – 2001.
Professional Positions: Associate Professor of Chemistry, Southern University and A&M College, 2021 to date; Director, LSU Center for Academic Success, 2017 to 2021; Executive Director of Research, Education and Mentoring Programs, LSU Office of Strategic Initiatives, 2013 – 2017; Assistant Professor, Xavier University of Louisiana, 2007 – 2013; Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University, 2003 – 2007; NRC Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2002 – 2003; Chemist, Albemarle Corporation, Biocides Division – 1997, Flame Retardants – 1996.
Service in ACS National Offices: Women Chemists Committee (WCC): Associate 2018, Member 2019 to present, Project Manager (Subcommittee Chair) 2018 to present; Division of Professional Relations (PROF), Member 2015 to present, Chair 2016; Minority Affairs Subdivision chair 2013, 2014 & 2024; Awards Chair 2021 to present; Committee on Science (COMSCI): Member, 2010-15; Younger Chemists Committee (YCC): Associate 2006, Member 2007-09, National Meeting Activities Subcommittee Chair, 2008-09.
Service in ACS Offices: Louisiana #419 Local Section Chair, 2010.
Memberships: ACS Divisions: Chemical Education, Professional Relations. NOBCChE, At-Large Member, Board of Directors, 2005 – 2008; NSF Chemistry Division REU Leadership Group, 2005 to date.
Related Activities: 2022 Southwest Regional Meeting Organizing Committee; ACS Women Chemists of Color Program, Division of Diversity Programs, Chair, Advisory Board, 2011 – 2014; Principle Investigator, ACS Women Chemists of Color Summit (NSF #1027608).
International Chemists
Manju Venugopal

Candidate Statement
I am running for the position of Chair-Elect of the International Chemists Subdivision because of my passion for fostering international collaboration and supporting chemists globally. My extensive experience in ACS governance and outreach, along with my professional background in research and clinical trials, has equipped me with the skills needed to lead and innovate. I aim to enhance our international programs, create more networking opportunities, and support professional growth among our members. Together, we can advance the global chemistry community and make a significant impact.
I am honored and humbled by the opportunity to being Chair-Elect. If elected, I will serve with greatest passion as always for the present and set up a vision for the future of our ACS society. My career in life sciences has also prepared me to lead our Society for helping professional women in life sciences and chemistry. Being in those shoes as a fresh PhD graduate, as a new employee for small and large size diagnostics/pharma companies, for the past 30 years and as chair of Social Outreach, board member for multiple non-profit organizations (WCC, AWIS, WIB, ACS) for the past six years. As a parent of young college kids, as a member of the board, I also understand the type of guidance that can be extended to students in our local and international communities. While working with these multiple organizations, I have fully understood the challenges and strength of our international organization.
If elected, I will serve our subdivision with humility and a vision for sustainability and success. My extensive connections in the medical device industry, especially with professional women, will help bring new programs and collaboration to our section. I am committed to serving with passion, humility, and a vision for the future.
VENUGOPAL, MANJU. Georgia Local Section. Alpharetta, GA.
Academic Record: St. Stephens College, India, B.S., 1984. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Ph.D., 1992.
Professional Positions: Innovative Diagnostics Technologies, LLC, Senior Consultant, 2016 – Present. Abbott Laboratory, Project Manager – Clinical and Risk Evaluation, Global Regulatory Operations, 2021 – 2023; Guided Therapeutics Inc., Consultant, 2015 – 2023; Johnson & Johnon, Technical Writer – Medical Operations, 2020-2021; Boston Scientific, Principle Medical Writer, 2020; Philips, Clinical Affairs Consultant-Medical Writer, 2019 – 2020; Abbott, Principal Medical Writer, 2018 -2019.
Service in ACS National Offices: Committee on Local Section Activities, Associate, 2024.
Service in ACS Offices: Member ACS since 2010. Georgia Section: Chair Succession, 2022-2024; Social Outreach Chair, 2020 – Present; Education Chair, 2018 – Present; Outreach Activties for SERMACS 2024. East Tennessee Section: Councilor, 2019-2021.
Memberships: Association for Women in Science since 2016. Women in Bio since 2016. ACS Divisions: Professional Relations, Small Chemical Businesses.
Related Activities: I advocate for the advancement and recognition of women in science through my membership in AWIS, WIB, and WCC. I have also organized and participated in various events and panels to inspire and mentor the next generation of scientists, such as the STE< Judge Pitch Competition, the AWIS Career Day, the STE< Career Talk at Druid Hill Middle School, and the Atlanta Science Festival. I also volunteeered at various schools to provide career guidance and support to students.
Minority Chemists
Safiya Nasir

Candidate Statement
As a woman in science, Dr. Nasir has navigated numerous challenges, including the
complexities of working internationally and often alone. Her journey has been enriched by
her work in various labs across the globe, where she has had the privilege of collaborating
with some of the brightest minds in the field. These experiences have not only expanded her
expertise but have also deepened her passion for scientific discovery. With 13 research
publications in reputable journals, Dr. Nasir continues to break barriers and advocate for
diversity and inclusion within the global scientific community.
NASIR, SAFIYA. Red River Valley Section. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND.
Academic Record: M.Sc., University of Kashmir, 2014; Ph.D., Amity University, Noida, 2021.
Professional Positions: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of North Dakota, 2022- Present. Research Intern, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan, 2017-2018.
Member: Member ACS since XXXX. ACS Divisions: Professional Relations.
ACS Pride
Samuel Brunclik

Candidate Statement
I am excited for this opportunity to extend my tenure as ACS Pride Chair. My previous experience in event planning and committee coordination, as well as being the current chair-elect, make me uniquely suited for this position. During my time as an executive member of my undergraduate student government I gained many useful skills such as leadership, budget management, and event planning for both small (20-40 students) and large (800+ students) events. Over the past year as chair-elect, I have worked to develop these skills further and build connections with many in the community as well. These skills are directly applicable to the duties of coordinating communication between independent parties and planning outreach events that are key aspects of the ACS Pride Chair position.
In addition to my skills in event planning and committee coordination, I am experienced in student senate operations under Robert’s Rules of Order. In particular, I served three years on the bylaws committee working with various committees and groups to refine and improve the relevant rules and policies in order to help those groups better achieve their goals. This experience puts me in a position to not only facilitate outreach events, but also to advocate for more concrete policy changes to further increase LGBTQ+ visibility and diversity within the ACS.
My first aim for ACS Pride would be to work on developing more outreach events and promoting involvement within regional meetings and local sections. These activities would help spread the message of diversity and inclusion at the ACS all the way down to local section members who may not attend a larger ACS event. Working with both industrial and academic partners to provide opportunities for LGBTQ+ chemists to share their stories and research with wider audiences, especially those who would otherwise not be afforded such opportunities, will be one of my primary objectives.
My second aim would be to work to strengthen our volunteer opportunities and involvement as well as having more transparency in Pride events and leadership. I would like to work with members to develop a communications team, with the intent of sharing periodic updates on volunteer opportunities, events, news, and other Pride related information to better communicate ways to engage with the community. In addition, I would like to develop some reoccurring events lead by Pride volunteers, like online webinars or socials to help build community all year round.
It is my hope to work together with many of you to celebrate LGBTQ+ chemists and to work on advancing our advocacy and visibility both as people and as scientists to build a more inclusive environment in the ACS. Thank you for considering my candidacy for this position, and I humbly ask for your support in this election. My previous positions, as well as my personal experiences as a queer chemist and student from a small-town background, will help me lead ACS Pride from a unique perspective.
BRUNCLIK, SAMUEL. Wakarusa Valley Section. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
Academic Record: B.A., St. Olaf College, 2019; Ph.D., University of Kansas, Expected 2024.
Honors: Leadership in Promotion of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect, ACS Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholars Recognition Program, 2024; Charles and Beatrice Klier Scholar, 2024; University of Kansas Pride Award, 2024; George Corbin Bailey Memorial Scholar, 2019-2023; ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Undergraduate Award, 2019; Timothy J. Cashin Student Senator of the Year Award, 2018.
Professional Positions: University of Kansas: Graduate Student Representative, Department of Chemistry Committee for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging, 2023 – Current; Graduate Research Assistant, 2021-Current; Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2019-2022. St. Olaf College: Undergraduate Student Researcher, 2018-2019; Student Senate Parliamentarian, 2018-2019; Society of Chemistry Students (SCS) Co-President, 2018-2019; Interim Student Government Vice President and Senate Chair, 2018; SCS Executive Committee member, 2017-2018; Student Senator, 2017-2019; Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant, 2016-2019; Student Government Executive Committee: 2016-2019.
Member: Member ACS since 2016. Great Plains Catalysis member since 2023. Out to Innovate member since 2024. ACS Pride subdivision Chair succession, 2024-2026. ACS Divisions: Inorganic Chemistry (Bioinorganic, Coordination Chemistry, Organometallic), Professional Relations (ACS Pride, Younger Chemists).
Related Activities: University of Kansas Commitment to Research Excellence by Advancing Transformative Opportunities for Representation in STEM LGBTQ+ Symposium founding member, Midwest Retreat for Diversity in Chemistry, University of Kansas Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity QT Connections Program participant, St. Olaf Student Senate bylaws committee member and chair, St. Olaf Science Alliance member, University of Kansas Chemistry Graduate Student Organization member.
Women Chemists
Theresa M DeAngelo

DEANGELO, THERESA. Maryland Section. Maryland State Police Forensic Sciences Division, Baltimore, Pikesville, MA.
Academic Record: University of Maryland, Baltimore County, B.S. Biology, B.A. Dance, 2002; Towson University, M.S. Forensic Science, 2016; American Board of Criminalistics, D-ABC (Certified Diplomate (General)), 2019.
Professional Positions: Quality Assurance Safety Manager, Maryland State Police Forensic Sciences Division, 2015 – present; Coordinator, Forensic Laboratories Program, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene OHCQ, 2011 – 2015.
Service in ACS Office: Member ACS since 2020. Division of Professional Relations: Ethics Subdivision Chair, 2023 – 2024.
Memberships: Association for Forensic Quality Assurance Managers since 2018. American Academy of Forensic Scientists since 2015. Mid Atlantic Association for Forensic Scientists since 2015. ACS Division(s): Professional Relations.
Related Activities: Maryland Drug Chemistry Workgroup, 2013 – present; Maryland Forensic Laboratories Advisory Committee Staff Advisor, 2011 – 2015.
Younger Chemists Subdivision
Kathleen Lugo Chavez

Candidate Statement
I am deeply passionate about advancing the professional development, career opportunities, and engagement of early-career chemists. Serving as the Younger Chemists Subdivision Chair-Elect in the upcoming PROF elections presents a unique opportunity to support young professionals on a national platform. By bringing fresh ideas and a collaborative approach, I aim to foster a supportive environment that encourages individual success and collective progress.
My goals include enhancing professional development through targeted programs, promoting diversity and inclusion, and increasing member engagement through collaborative events. I am committed to advocating for our needs and ensuring our voices are heard.
LUGO CHARRIEZ, KATHLEEN. Orlando Local Section. University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida.
Academic Record: University of Central Florida, Orlando, Ph.D, Expected Spring 2025; Florida International University, B.S., (ACS Certified), 2019
Honors: McKnight Doctoral Fellow, 2020; Women Chemists Committee Overcoming Challenges Award,2019; SoFL-ACS Leonard Keller Service Award,2019
Professional Positions (for the past ten years): National Nuclear Security Administration Minority Serving Institution Internship Program, Intern, 2024-Present; Graduate Research Assistant, University of Central Florida; 2023-Present; Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2018-2023.
Memberships : Member ACS since 2015. Division(s): Professional Relations.
Related Activities: LEADS Conference, 2024; ACS Career Bridge Workshop,2023; ACS Career Kickstarter Workshop,2022; ACS Leadership Institute,2018; ACS Scholars Program, 2017.