UPDATE: Notifications of 2025 scholars will go out the week of January 6th, 2025. We apologize for the delay as we work with sponsors to try and increase the cohort size for this year!
The ACS Pharma Scholars Program recognizes individuals who are interested in the pharmaceutical industry as a career path. This program provides an industry mentor and a $1500 stipend for travel to the 2025 Fall ACS Meeting (August 17-21, 2025 in Washington D.C.) to present their research and network with other program members and industrial chemists.
Who can apply?
To apply for the ACS Pharma Scholars Program, you must:
- Be a US citizen (studying anywhere) or a non-US citizen attending a graduate program in the US or Canada.
- Be a member of one of the organizing divisions including the Division of Professional Relations (PROF) (Join Here), Division of Organic Chemistry (DOC) (Join Here), and/or Division of Analytical Chemistry (ANYL) (Join Here).
- Be available to present your research at the 2025 Fall meeting where you will also partake in networking opportunities.
- Complete the application prior to the deadline with all components submitted.
- Applications from members of historically underrepresented groups in the chemical sciences are encouraged.
What should be included in the scholars program application package?
- Research statement (no more than 2 pages in length). Formatting should be in size 12 font, Times New Roman, and single spaced. The research statement should include: (1) Description of background information for research, (2) Identification of gap in current scientific understanding of research and the questions aimed to be answered by the work, and (3) Description of work, results, and future directions.
- Confirmation that the graduate student can participate in the fall meeting in person.
- Personal statement (no more than 2 pages in length) that reflects the candidate’s interest in the pharmaceutical industry and how this award will impact your career in science. It is important to highlight how you will use this program to support other early career chemists. Formatting should be in size 12 font, Times New Roman, and single spaced.
- A copy of their CV or resume.
- Proof of enrollment for graduate studies.
- A letter of recommendation in support of the applicant from your supervisor or PI.
- Note: Your CV/Resume, Personal Statement, and Research Summary should be grouped into a single PDF file with the following naming convention:
Candidate’s Last Name_First Name-PharmaScholars.pdf (i.e. Smith_David-PharmaScholars.pdf)
All application materials must be submitted by Friday, November 15th, 2024. Applicants are not required to submit an abstract through the ACS MAPS system prior to submitting for the award. Recipients of the award will be invited to submit to the specified session before the closure of the submission portal.
For more information, please contact: pharmascholars@acsprof.org