On Tuesday, August 20, 2024, members of the ACS Division of Professional Relations (PROF) attended the annual ChemLuminary Awards, which honors activities and outreach from local sections, divisions, regional meetings, and international chemical science chapters. The Division was awarded two ChemLuminary Awards:
- Best Activity or Program Highlighting ACS Change Driver(s) or Strategic Planning sponsored by Strategic Planning Committee
- For the commencement of the PROF ACS Pride Merck Graduate Research Award, a joint graduate research award with Merck for LGBTQ+ scientists. This activity is recognized as supporting the chemistry and social responsibility change drivers.
- You can read more about the establishment of the ACS Pride Merck Graduate Research Award and its augural award cohort on our blog.
- A big shout out to 2023 ACS Pride Subdivision Chair Sambuddha Banerjee and Merck for enacting this program!
- Most Unique Project funded by a Divison Innovative Project Grant sponsored by the Committee on Divisional Activities
- For the ambassador program that brought division representation to all the ACS Regional Meetings in 2023. Ambassadors were provided with branded t-shirts, swag, and iPads programmed with PROF presentation materials and member sign-up mechanisms.
- For more information about the effort, lead by Councilor Matt Grandbois, check out the Regional Ambassadors webpage.
A full list of 2024 ChemLuminary Award recipients can be found at https://www.acs.org/funding/awards/chemluminary/2024-chemluminary-award-winners.html.
The Division was nominated for five ChemLuminary Awards, highlighting our activities in recognizing our members and building leaders and community. The award recognition could not have been done without the active enthusiasm and engagement of the Division’s volunteers. Thank YOU for being a member of the Division!

Want to get engaged with the Division? Contact the PROF Chair at chair@acsprof.org to find opportunities or share what you would like to work on!